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WORK INK PARA PEGAR SCRIPT DE DOORS Doors are an essential part of any game. Whether you're in a spooky mansion or just exploring a city, doors can make or break your experience. This Doors script for Roblox takes things to the next level by adding a poison mechanic. Doors will now be more than just a way to move from one room to another, they're now a challenge to overcome. With this script, players must be careful which doors they choose to open as some may be poisoned, resulting in detrimental effects. The script adds a unique and thrilling aspect to gameplay, creating a memorable experience for players. Doors are a core element in most games, and they can add depth to a gameplay experience. A door script in Roblox can make a game more realistic by allowing the player to interact with the doors in a variety of ways. One such interaction could be poisoning the door. Poisoning doors can add an element of surprise to a game, and make it more challenging for the players. With a poison door script, players will have to figure out how to get past the door without being harmed, or they can use the poison to their advantage to eliminate enemies. Adding a poison door script to a game can take it to the next level and increase player engagement.