342 views 2 years ago

Funky Friday OP Auto-Play Scri


This Roblox Funky Friday Auto-Play / Auto Win Script/Hack will exploit funky friday to win every game automatically with auto play funky friday hacked exploit funky the friday game on roblox friday funky hacked script! pt Are you tired of manually playing through all the levels of Funky Friday on Roblox? Look no further than the Funky Friday OP Auto-Play Script! With this script, you can sit back and relax as the script does all the work for you. It'll automatically play through each level with precision, hitting every note perfectly for maximum score. Plus, with regular updates to ensure compatibility with the latest Funky Friday updates, you'll never have to worry about falling behind on your high scores. Take your Funky Friday game to the next level with the OP Auto-Play Script. pt Funky Friday is a popular rhythm game on Roblox that challenges players to follow the beat and hit the right arrows in time with the music. However, some players may find the game too difficult or tedious to play manually. This is where the OP Auto-Play Script comes in. With this script, players can sit back and relax as their avatar automatically hits all the arrows on beat, earning them maximum points and making gameplay a breeze. The script is simple to install and use, and can provide an enjoyable and stress-free experience for those who want to enjoy Funky Friday without the hassle of manual gameplay.